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Cable internet pricing, etc

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  • koreybray
    In my personal experience Jose and Matt on these forums are great... if you don't find thing are going right at the call centre level, reach out to eith of them. The call centre in my experience does need some improvements as there seems to be a lot of misinformation they give out at times... Being the front face of the company, they really should be fully trained... and told if they don't know to ask.. don't guess.

    If we could copy Jose and Matt many times over, I think the call center would be great

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  • katburglars
    Originally posted by Jose (JP) View Post
    Hi katburglars,

    We will investigate this case and get back to you as soon as possible.
    thanks - miscommunication - getting resolved - cheers

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  • Jose (JP)
    Hi katburglars,

    We will investigate this case and get back to you as soon as possible.

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  • katburglars
    okay so, a day or so later i send in my info per request and then an agent calls me a day later advising me i can upgrade at going prices and so forth and advises me they need until aug 1 to give rogers enough notice and would have this done - i asked the agent, upon ending the call if i could have an email per our accepting of this upgrade (discussion) and was told yes - to this day have not gotten that email so thought well, maybe i was asking too i follow up b/c i forgot about the order and did a test and was not upgraded...chatting online with an agent shows no order and NOT even any notes as to the call i got late june, what gives? this is hilarious

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  • katburglars
    Originally posted by Jose (JP) View Post
    Hi katburglars,

    Please PM me your customer ID so that we can take a look.
    thanks - pm sent

    edit - thread may be closed - tyvm
    Last edited by katburglars; 06-26-2017, 07:58 PM.

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  • Jose (JP)
    Hi katburglars,

    Please PM me your customer ID so that we can take a look.

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  • katburglars
    started a topic Cable internet pricing, etc

    Cable internet pricing, etc

    Hi - anyone know if they have upgraded from cable internet 30/5 plan to the next level 75/10 and if its worth the 11.00 diff?

    also, why am i paying 58.95 (the plan i have i get charged 68.95 but get a 10.00 discount every month) for the plan, when all the while the going price is 48.95??
    i know i was grandfathered into that plan a while back and my rates were increased afterwards but,

    now im wondering if i'll be charged the same type formula if i upgrade to the 75/10 plan ?? hope not cuz this doesnt seam fair...i would call them but too busy so hope someone can shed light on this for me pls? and im not even subbing to TV

    edit - i don't know.. id like to stay in that same ball park of 60.00 plus tax (in london) is all ..but there's no wiggle room between the 2 plans (meaning 30 to 75 is a huge jump, imho)
    Last edited by katburglars; 06-26-2017, 07:30 AM.