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I just received ANOTHER email about price increases from Vmedia

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  • wearysky
    Originally posted by Smith
    Will I ever cut rogers out completely!!
    Only if you switch to DSL. Or move to a Cogeco-serviced area :P

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  • jranger63
    have to say, for 10 dollar difference... I will not put up with crap delivery service for very damned long at this rate, just signed up a couple months ago....

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  • coolspot
    According to VMedia: "Premium Basic will increase to $44.95 this still compares favourably with the equivalent packages offered by the major players of $56.95 and $63.99."

    But hey, at least their TV services are relatively flawless.

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  • pbeaul
    Originally posted by GeorgeBurger View Post
    I hope you still don't feel like blowing us up.
    Uhm, when I was referring to "this place to blow up" I meant the forums, getting inundated with many angry individuals... Which is usually what happens around here with bad news.

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  • Skelli34
    Yes George it is correct just checked again and it is exactly what I should be paying with the price increase of premium basic so no worries.

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  • whitby
    Originally posted by GeorgeBurger View Post
    Hi please let me chime in. First of all no one is having to bear a second increase.Once is enough. However, the notices may possibly have been repeated, so I will look into it. More likely you may have received a notice of increase for internet first and then TV, in a situation where you subscribed for Premium basic and internet within the last four months.

    We took the deliberate step of grandfathering new subscribers so that you would get at least three months of paid service at the old price. This means that since you started paying for internet from day one, internet would go up after three months. But with Premium basic you might have one or two free months(if you signed up at Canada Computers), and that would not count against your three months. In those cases the TV rate would increase a month (or two) after the internet rate increased. If that is not your situation let me know and I will look into it.In any event, please check your bills this coming April 1, I am pretty sure you will not see a second increase for any particular service. If you do let us know, we will fix it. I assure you that is not the intent. This was just a very complicated process, and there may have been some inadvertent slippage. But this is the first we have heard of it. Incidentally, the three months is really three months plus, since the rate only goes up starting the first of the next month, so if you were activated on the second day of a month, you might get almost another full month in addition at the original rate. We really tried to be as generous as circumstances allowed, which introduced complications. I hope you still don't feel like blowing us up.
    George, I never wanted to blow you up, I just wanted to use your emails as toilet paper, that's all LOL

    Thanks for taking the time to explain things to us, I am a happy camper again.

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  • GeorgeBurger
    Thanks Skelli34, just to confirm, the total increase for you is $5.65 correct, despite getting two notices?

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  • whitby
    After the initial shock, I was fine with the first increase.
    Lets face it, nobody likes to have to pay more for anything but it is a fact of life.
    BUT a 2nd increase in less than a month is a little much to swallow.

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  • BladeZX
    Why would my mom see a $5 increase for her DSL15 when she signed up at the $34.95 in late December?
    It looks like DSL has increased again.

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  • GeorgeBurger
    Hi please let me chime in. First of all no one is having to bear a second increase.Once is enough. However, the notices may possibly have been repeated, so I will look into it. More likely you may have received a notice of increase for internet first and then TV, in a situation where you subscribed for Premium basic and internet within the last four months.

    We took the deliberate step of grandfathering new subscribers so that you would get at least three months of paid service at the old price. This means that since you started paying for internet from day one, internet would go up after three months. But with Premium basic you might have one or two free months(if you signed up at Canada Computers), and that would not count against your three months. In those cases the TV rate would increase a month (or two) after the internet rate increased. If that is not your situation let me know and I will look into it.In any event, please check your bills this coming April 1, I am pretty sure you will not see a second increase for any particular service. If you do let us know, we will fix it. I assure you that is not the intent. This was just a very complicated process, and there may have been some inadvertent slippage. But this is the first we have heard of it. Incidentally, the three months is really three months plus, since the rate only goes up starting the first of the next month, so if you were activated on the second day of a month, you might get almost another full month in addition at the original rate. We really tried to be as generous as circumstances allowed, which introduced complications. I hope you still don't feel like blowing us up.

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  • Skelli34
    I got both notices and I also noticed my amount due went up exactly $5.65 ($5+taxes) since the last notice I received because of the premium basic $5 increase per month. I personally have had little to no problems with the service so I am fine with it since I don't have to deal with rogers anymore.

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  • whitby
    Actually I wanted to print the first notice and use it as toilet paper but I couldn't find any printer paper soft enough for my behind LOL

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  • whitby
    I got the first one but I was a little ticked off at the time so I deleted it but from what I can remember this one seems to look very much like the other one so I am REALLY hoping that this is a mistake.

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  • pbeaul
    Originally posted by whitby View Post
    People were just starting to calm down after the last price increase and then they had to go and stir the pot again.

    Pretty much what I'm thinking right now... I thought that both Internet and TV already went up for everyone effective March 1st... But I never received the 1st one so I don't know if this one is different.

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  • whitby
    People were just starting to calm down after the last price increase and then they had to go and stir the pot again.

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