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Should I switch???

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  • Should I switch???

    Hi: I'm reading up on Vmedia(my contract with Roger's ends in about 3 months) I have concerns about switching over to this service(would like to do so). Here are my questions:
    1) How good is picture quality compared to Rogers?( I know both are 720p or 180i). I have a Panasonic 55ST60 (calibrated) so I'll notice either an improvement or a step back.
    2) I notice a fair number of glitches(Internet dropping speed or connection all together) with Vmedia have most of these been solved or are they ongoing?
    3) mixed reports on customer service. Is it good or not?
    Would really like to switch both my TV & Internet services when I'm able to in about 3 months just worried I'll have to go right back to Rogers due to issues. Thanks for any help with this much appreciated!!!
    P.S I live in London if that matters

  • #2
    Please delete this duplicate post thanks!!


    • #3
      I have a 50" TV, I find the TV quality good, as good as Cogeco. I do notice on some channels voice a bit out of sync (CHCH for example) and some fast action gets a bit of burryness I didn't see with Cogeco. Using Plex to watch stored media the Vmedia box plays much better quality than my Roku.
      I am on DSL and haven't had a problem with Internet. I believe most people with problems are on Cable or have some installation hiccups.
      I have only used web based support once and they were good. No other need for support. (yet)


      • #4
        I'm in a similar position as you, and will be going over my thoughts here:

        If all goes well tomorrow, I should have some comparisons by tomorrow evening.


        • Stereoguy99
          Stereoguy99 commented
          Editing a comment
          Thanks for the link jdrom!!! Will look forward to your thoughts on the TV side of this service!!!

      • #5
        I switched for one reason, I was sick of Rogers.. at the end of the day, am I happy? Yes, do i have glitches - yes [occasional sound skips - happened with rogers too ].. but at least I am not paying the horrendous amounts that rogers charges.. Picture quality is the same, sound is the same- but what I love about vMedia is I can surf, youtube, netflix off my box - plus it is tiny so I was able to velcor it to my wall mounted TV - can not do that with the monster sized boxes from rogers. I would say switch, try it for 2 months free.. if you buy the box for $69 at canada computers - if you are not happy go back to rogers simple..
        One other feature that vmedia has.. you don't have a ton of wires connecting your vbox to the tv just HDMI and power - unlike rogers - cable, hdmi, power not to mention you are then only able to have your tv where your cable outlet is with rogers.
        Last edited by sradonic; 05-23-2014, 01:06 PM.


        • #6
          Thanks Sradonic!! The thing is I will switch if Rogers is not able to match Vmedia & there are no major o-going issues right now the main diff in price is on the TV side of my bill I know from past experiences given the $$$ diff is only $25 per month on 60/10 service Rogers will match that, however the $50+ on cable that is very likely going to trigger the switch to Vmedia!!Thanks for all the replies so far keep them going!!!


          • #7
            Originally posted by Stereoguy99 View Post
            Thanks Sradonic!! The thing is I will switch if Rogers is not able to match Vmedia & there are no major o-going issues right now the main diff in price is on the TV side of my bill I know from past experiences given the $$$ diff is only $25 per month on 60/10 service Rogers will match that, however the $50+ on cable that is very likely going to trigger the switch to Vmedia!!Thanks for all the replies so far keep them going!!!
            Rogers is not unlimited internet - they are over $91 to be over unlimited. as for TV services it is neither here nor there other than Vmedia being a few dollars cheaper not by much but still cheaper and the ability to do more with your living experience [ net on tv etc ] - also what I do like.. is vCloud - it will continuously record, retain the recording for 7 days.. nice feature for when I am out of town, I can unplug everything to save on electricity and prevent any fires - knowing my shows will still record.


            • Stereoguy99
              Stereoguy99 commented
              Editing a comment
              They offer unlimited for an extra $25 per month so it comes to $95 less whatever deal they will offer me to keep me (right now paying $23+HST for 45/4 until Sept/14. So for me I like the idea to encourage a independent provider but has to be as good as what I have now!!Thanks for your feedback much appreciated!!

          • #8
            Whenever someone asks me this question at work or otherwise I pretty much tell them the same thing:

            1) So far as the IPTV is concerned, do the packages cover the vast majority of what you will intend to watch? For myself, my g/f and I sat down, looked over the packages and determined the 6 or so channels we watch (not including HGTV we added that on) were included. The price difference between what I had with Rogers versus VMedia sold it in and of itself since I had the HD packages that were just ripping me a new one every bill. But when you have a 55" HDTV you sit maybe 10' from, what other choice did I have?

            2) So far as the internet is concerned, do you have a stable connection currently with Rogers? If so the switch to a third-party ISP should be no different since it is the same last mile serving you. The only difference comes when you are handed off from the Rogers router at the APOI to the third-party (VMedia) router. This is where the third-party has to purchase capacity from the incumbent. The bonus with the VMedia packages is they are unlimited for no additional fee and the price is very fair imo. With the XBox 1, tablets, laptops and phones on the network at home, this became very important for us because trying to stay under Rogers' caps was a proverbial pain in my ass.

            3) For the quality, have you had a chance to check out one of the kiosks setup at a Canada Computers by chance? The quality is not the same as Rogers/Bell, but I find it is blown out of proportion far too often. For general TV viewing it is close and for me that's all that matters. There is no 5.1 currently but for myself, I'm watching TV I don't need 5.1. When it comes to gaming/movies I care about this more, so this didn't weigh into my decision. I have had people come over and watch anything from hockey to a sitcom and they didn't realize they weren't watching cable until they asked what that "box" was in my theatre. So in general, you're not going to notice a difference and the savings speak for themselves.

            Hope this helps.


            • #9
              Thanks Trentelshark for the info especially that you live in London!!! When your watching hockey,football,etc do you see any problems with the fast motion those sports bring? I sit about 8ft away from my 55ST60(great tv by the way, IMO,LOL). I tried Bell IPTV back in '09 so a bit leery of it now(I'm well aware I can try Vmedia and switch back if unhappy just would like to avoid the PIA of doing so. I am planning to go to Canada Computers on Wharncliffe soon to check out the picture quality!! The "basic premium" package is great way,way better then (it is very close to their VIP plan)Robber's is that is why I'm very interested in it!!Again thanks for your very useful reply!!


              • #10
                You're welcome.

                Checking it out at Wharncliffe is definitely a good plan, at least get a feel for how it works and generally what the picture quality is. I did notice the quality on my TV (55" Sony Bravia LCD) was better than in the store (store seems a bit washed out, probably the TV settings). Overall though it will give you a good idea of what to expect. It sold me on it when I was originally on the fence whether to change or not.

                Since signing up in October I have noticed improvement to CBC, TSN/TSN2 and Sportsnet broadcasts when it comes to fast motion viewing. I don't tend to watch a lot of hockey, football I will catch some here and there. You can occasionally see minimal trails on the ball (same goes for the puck) but personally I don't even really notice anymore, primarily due to improvements VMedia has made and partially because I've watched it enough I have adjusted. So I guess all I can really say is it is personal preference thing, but it is definitely viewable for myself. My g/f's uncle was over to watch Boston versus Montreal and commented on how well it performed, he couldn't see much of a difference between the two. I tend to watch a lot of F1 and noticed no issues with that but then again they are larger items, not smaller like the puck or the ball.

                At the end of the day I weighed the pros and cons and haven't once regretted my decision to switch. There has been a number of updates and things are all around very stable at this point in time and for the price and how often I generally watch TV, I wouldn't change back.


                • #11
                  So here is my thought(not final yet) I'm going to likely stay with Rogers for now as I've been reading on the growing pains(for sure getting better) as I've discovered how to get a great deal through them(Rogers) however if Rogers is unwilling to comply( the deal will actually make rogers cheaper then Vmedia!!!) then will take a chance with this new service!!Will have a close to final answer late this week or early next week!!Will post my final decision then,thanks to all who helped here!!

                  Update: looks like Vmedia will get a chance called Rogers today and was given a bit of the runaround...can still likely get a great deal just have to wait until Aug. then threaten to quit then will get a deal a few days later after being with them for 7+ years not surprised at all however do not like overpaying for 3 months(savings are very good puts the price = to Vmedia just want to support more choice off to Canada Computers this weekend to look at the PQ!!!
                  Last edited by Stereoguy99; 05-28-2014, 05:55 PM. Reason: Updated info


                  • #12
                    Originally posted by Stereoguy99 View Post
                    So here is my thought(not final yet) I'm going to likely stay with Rogers for now as I've been reading on the growing pains(for sure getting better) as I've discovered how to get a great deal through them(Rogers) however if Rogers is unwilling to comply( the deal will actually make rogers cheaper then Vmedia!!!) then will take a chance with this new service!!Will have a close to final answer late this week or early next week!!Will post my final decision then,thanks to all who helped here!!

                    Update: looks like Vmedia will get a chance called Rogers today and was given a bit of the runaround...can still likely get a great deal just have to wait until Aug. then threaten to quit then will get a deal a few days later after being with them for 7+ years not surprised at all however do not like overpaying for 3 months(savings are very good puts the price = to Vmedia just want to support more choice off to Canada Computers this weekend to look at the PQ!!!
                    okay at this point sounds like rogers is just dragging the inevitable - you leaving, I know you feel anxious about the whole leaving home thing.. but I have to say I was in the same boat until I left and experienced vMedia. at least if you buy the modem and box at Canada Computers you will receive 2 months free which will help the whole experience.. as for growing pains.. seems Bell and Rogers are experiencing the pains more than Vmedia - its simple - sign up, save money and move on with life simple..


                    • #13
                      Originally posted by sradonic View Post

                      okay at this point sounds like rogers is just dragging the inevitable - you leaving, I know you feel anxious about the whole leaving home thing.. but I have to say I was in the same boat until I left and experienced vMedia. at least if you buy the modem and box at Canada Computers you will receive 2 months free which will help the whole experience.. as for growing pains.. seems Bell and Rogers are experiencing the pains more than Vmedia - its simple - sign up, save money and move on with life simple..
                      I found this weekend about a deal with them (rogers) that is much cheaper then any other service out there...30% off cable bill, free pvr,50% off internet so will know later this week and that's a wrap if I get the deal from Rogers I stay 4 now if by week's end I don't I leave to go Vmedia!!!

