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Registered Vmedia Devices

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  • Registered Vmedia Devices

    Where do I go in my account to see what devices I have registered under my account and which are active?


  • #2

    This functionality isn't available in My Account, due to there being no limit in place with regard to the number of devices which can be logged in to our service. Access is essentially dependent on having a compatible device, and entering credentials attached to an active VMedia TV subscription.


    • #3
      Thanks Matt,

      Where in My Account would I modify the channels or programming that I currently have?


      Update: Found it, all good.
      Last edited by wbennett68; 07-26-2020, 08:47 AM.


      • #4


        • #5
          Originally posted by MattVMedia View Post

          This functionality isn't available in My Account, due to there being no limit in place with regard to the number of devices which can be logged in to our service. Access is essentially dependent on having a compatible device, and entering credentials attached to an active VMedia TV subscription.
          For the last week or so we have been getting a message on our Vbox Max that there are more than 5 devices connected or that we have a device connected from a different IP? Would be nice to be able to see the details on My Account.


          • #6

            Oh I see, certainly makes sense now. While we do not have a limit on the number of devices that can be logged in using the same credentials, there are restrictions in place for the number of devices that can access TV service concurrently. We also check that VMedia TV service is not being accessed in different locations concurrently, as our service is required to be non-nomadic.

            Are you using a VPN by any chance on one of your devices? Enabling VPN to access content outside of VMedia TV and then attempting to access VMedia TV without turning off your VPN first could certainly cause this notification.

            If not, do you have more than 5 devices at your residence logged in to VMedia currently, including our VBox and other (beta) supported platforms like Apple TV, iOS, Amazon Fire, Roku, Android TV....


            • #7
              Hey Matt,

              Nothing on VPN.

              We currently have exactly 5 devices that are logged into Vmedia all from the same IP address.
              • 3 Vmedia Boxes
              • 2 Amazon Fire
              The only device showing the message is the Vbox Max.

              Are you able to determine if my credentials are being used from another IP?


              • #8
                Yup, absolutely. Can you send me a PM and help me out with your account number?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MattVMedia View Post
                  Yup, absolutely. Can you send me a PM and help me out with your account number?
                  Account# sent PM.


                  • #10
                    Hi, we get this all the time too. We have a vbox and a roku stick only for tv. No one else anywhere has our credentials to watch it.
                    Is there a fix for this? We've been told when it gets too bad we have to do a complete clear cache and start all over again.
                    Done this many times. Thanks
                    Last edited by rkcourts; 07-31-2020, 12:25 PM.


                    • #11
                      Just got home to the same frustrating message.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by wbennett68 View Post
                        Just got home to the same frustrating message.
                        Sorry for the delay, we've been racking our heads trying to figure this out. I've responded to your PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rkcourts View Post
                          Hi, we get this all the time too. We have a vbox and a roku stick only for tv. No one else anywhere has our credentials to watch it.
                          Is there a fix for this? We've been told when it gets too bad we have to do a complete clear cache and start all over again.
                          Done this many times. Thanks
                          Very sorry for the trouble. Unfortunately, if you are experiencing the same behavior described by wbennett68, we are still investigating the reason this message is being displayed, as it has only been reported very recently and is a new bug for us.

                          It does appear that this message is being displayed in error though, and is not intentional, or relevant, to those receiving it.

                          Our Team is actively engaged in investigating this behavior, and while we do not have a permanent solution available at this moment, we are confident that this will be identified and corrected shortly.


                          • #14
                            Odd, we've gotten it on and off all the time joined last August or September. I could never get the forum working til now, support /chat has answered about it, so they were aware, but you are right there doesn't seem to be a fix for it. It was nice to hear it is only the tv's we have to be concerned with. I have a work cpu home now, and with the phone on vmedia, 2 tvs, ipad, laptop, i was always unplugging or turning wifi off on things to try to keep it to under 5 devices (I always wondered if the phone should really have been one of the 5) it is nice to know I don't have to do that, so thanks for mentioning that!! Kelly

