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Does anyone besides end users look at these forums?

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  • Does anyone besides end users look at these forums?

    looks like all our support questions go unanswered in these forums....

  • #2
    There used to be admins who responded but for the last month it looks like they've abandonned it.


    • #3
      I am not the VMedia employee but I have huge technical support experience in IPTV. So feel free to ask me any questions. If I cannot reply to you right away you can PM your question to me and I'll reply to you shortly.

      Customers are often complaining about the quality of IPTV but according to my experience more than 90% of problems with the IPTV are related to the customer's Internet provider or can be easily resolved by proper rebooting of the customer's router or modem.

      The most difficult part is to identify the cause of these problems. I am going to talk about it a little bit later.


      • #4
        Hello, very sorry that my lack of attention to our forum prompted Bayard0's comment. You are right I have been neglecting this board but no longer. We have been swamped with growth issues, and frankly the volume on RedFlagDeals and DSLReports is typically much greater, and during the slowdowns we experienced at the end of July and beginning of August generated tons of traffic there so I took my eye off the ball here. Won't happen again. Thanks for pitching in <o_o>(cool handle)/ I am off on a road trip today to five Canada Computers stores between Mississauga and London to set up our VMedia kiosks there, to give you a flavor of my glamourous existence! But seriously, this is a very big step for us, has taken may long days to organization and execution, and we are almost there. Very exciting, stay tuned!


        • #5
          I posted issues on slow download speed since June and GeogeBurger never answered. Now I am without Internet and no response from tech support. So it's all BS.


          • #6
            Hi jjccclim Please let me know your name and order number and I will look into it. Very unusual our major internet problems were between late July and mid August and have been resolved. Please let us try and help.


            • #7
              George, My name is John and here is my order number, [0E0-18F992FE-010A. Here is my open ticket number as well. 340-191332F1-0112]. I posted this once before and no reply.


              • #8
                John I have passed the info on but I was also told your ticket was closed out in July, have you not been actually in contact with tech support on this issues since then? If we are screwing up on our end I need to know, but we have assumed you were taken care of.


                • #9
                  The problem was never resolved. They called me but always during the day while I am at work. I can't sit at home waiting for their call.


                  • #10
                    PM me your work number.


                    • #11
                      So....... I PM my number to you on Sept. 7th, when should I expect a call?


                      • #12
                        Finally, I am getting steady above 18mbps. It happened after Roger updated their system. Still did not hear from George Burger.


                        • #13
                          Hi I am glad to hear you are up and running again. Sorry for not getting back to you, but I did make sure they got on your issue we have just been swamped with orders on the one hand and dealing with ahem incumbent related issues on the other(see ********'s travails in DSLReports for an idea of what is going on)that I couldn't follow up. Hope all is well now, if not let me know.

